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Journal of Buddhist studies, is the academic study of Buddhism. Is a Journal of the U.S. Sangha for Buddhist Studies. Scholars of Buddhist studies focus on the history, culture, archaeology, arts, philology, anthropology, sociology, theology, philosophy, practices, interreligious comparative studies and other subjects related to Buddhism.

Journal of Buddhist Studies (ISSN 2692-7357, electronic ISSN 2692- 739X) is one of the academic studies of Buddhism and a part of the Journal of the U.S. Sangha for Buddhist Studies. © 2021 by The Regents of the Dharma Mountain Publishing. Allrights reserved. Please direct all requests for permission to photocopy or reproduce article content through the Journal of Buddhist Studies Press’s Reprints and Permissions web page, or via email:

Journal of Buddhist Studies

Journal of Buddhist Studies (ISSN 2692-7357, electronic ISSN 2692- 739X) is one of the academic studies of Buddhism and a part of the Journal of the U.S. Sangha for Buddhist Studies. © 2021 by The Regents of the Dharma Mountain Publishing. Allrights reserved.


Journal of Buddhist Studies (JBS) Volume 01, Issue 01

Journal of Buddhist studies, is the academic study of Buddhism. Is a Journal of the U.S. Sangha for Buddhist Studies. Scholars of Buddhist studies focus on the history, culture, archaeology, arts, philology, anthropology, sociology, theology, philosophy, practices, interreligious comparative studies and other subjects related to Buddhism.



Image of Journal of Buddhist Studies (JBS) Volume 01, Issue 01


Journal of Buddhist Studies (JBS) Volume 02, Issue 01

Journal of Buddhist studies, is one of the academic study of Buddhism. Is a Journal of the U.S. Sangha for Buddhist Studies. Scholars of Buddhist studies focus on the history, culture, archaeology, arts, philology, anthropology, sociology, theology, philosophy, practices, interreligious comparative studies and other subjects related to Buddhism.



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